Michael Stahnke on the web

Twitter: @stahnma

Github: stahnma

Medium: @stahnma


Automacon 2.0

27 September 2016

I was the primary emcee for the Automacon 2.0. I also gave a quick lighting talk on the first day.

Stahnma's Axioms of computering (lighting talk)

Slides on Speakerdeck

Velocity NYC 2016

21 September 2016

Must be willing to relocate: not anymore

Video Pending

Slides on Speakerdeck

DevOpsDays Chicago 2016

31 August 2016

What I've learned interviewing more than 150 people face to face

Slides on Speakerdeck

Red Hat Summit 2016

29 June 2016

DevOps: the Data and the Myths

Slides on Speakerdeck

PuppetCamp Charlotte

07 December 2015

Automating in a Brownfield Environment

No video available.

Automating in a Brownfield Environment

PuppetCamp Atlanta

03 December 2015

Automating in a Brownfield Environment

No video available.

Slides on Speakerdeck

Madison DevOps Meeup

04 November 2015

Lighting talk: vmpooler is awesome.

[Slides on speakerdeck]](https://speakerdeck.com/stahnma/vmpooler-is-awesome).

PuppetConf 2015

8 October 2015

What's the deal with Pupet 4, AIO and Puppet Collections?

Slides on Speakerdeck

Automacon 1.0 (2015)

15 September 2015

AutomaCon 2015: Automation in a Brownfield Environment

Slides on Speakerdeck

DevOpsDays Chicago 2015

26 August 2015

Organizational Learning Through Trolling

Slides on Speakerdeck

Spiceworks Community

13 April 2015

Practical methods for adopting devops

Slides on Speakerdeck

URES West 2014

10 November 2014

Embrace your variables so your cusotmers don't have to.

Video (not youtube)

PuppetConf 2014

23 September 2014

Gettings Started with Puppet (v2)

Slides on Speakerdeck

Southern California Linux Expo 12x

21 February, 2014

Devops Track Kickoff Talk: Cultural Change

Devops Track Kickoff Talk: Cultural Change - Abstract

Slides on Speakerdeck

PuppetCamp LA

21 February 2014

Getting Started with Puppet - Abstract

Slides on Speakerdeck

PuppetConf 2013

23 August 2013

DevOps Isn't Just for WebOps: The Guerrilla's Guide to Cultural Change

Slides on Speakerdeck

22 August 2013

Getting Started with Puppet (v1)

Note: I think I like v1 of this talk more than v2. v1 has patterns, v2 has who/what/where/why.

Slides on Speakerdeck

OSCON 2013

26 July 2013

No known video.

Once Upon a CVE: Managing Security Events as an upstream - Session Abstract

Slides on github

PuppetConf 2012

27 September 2012

The balance of Packaging vs Configuration Management

Slides on github

PuppetCamp Chicago 2012

A keynote that I wrote.

Slides on github

Jul 2012

What is this delivery org anyway?

Internal to Puppet Labs presentation on the Delivery Org in 2012. (Comlete with amazing artwork from me).

On github

PuppetCamp Boston

Jun 2012

missing content still :(

DevOpsDays US 2010

I had the privilege of being a speaker at the very first DevOpsDays in North America. I was on a Panel with Gen Kim, John Willis, James Turnbull, and Adam Fletcher. (Of course the company I worked for at the time wouldn't let me say their name, or publicize it.) DevOps outside of Web Operations

Southern California Linux Expo 12x

21 Februrary, 2014

Devops Track Kickoff Talk: Cultural Change - Abstract

Getting Started with Puppet - Abstract

Red Hat Summit 2009

02 September 2009

Infrastrucutre is Development

Red Hat Summit 2008

Managing Updates in the Enterprise



